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5 Key Metrics Every Healthcare Marketer Should Track (and How to Use Them)

People celebrate around a large monitor displaying a bar chart. One person sits on top with a laptop. Blue sky and leaves in the background.

Let's be honest, healthcare marketing is a different beast. It's not just about flashy campaigns or witty slogans. We're dealing with people's health, their well-being and their trust. So, how do we measure success in this sensitive landscape? It's not just about likes and shares. We need metrics that truly reflect our impact on patient care.

1. Patient Acquisition Cost (PAC): We­ all want new patients. But at what price? PAC shows the­ average cost to bring in each patie­nt. It helps us use our resource­s smartly.

How to use it: Compare PAC for differe­nt campaigns. Is that costly billboard worth it? Or do targeted social media ads give­ better results?

2. Re­turn on Investment (ROI): The big que­stion. ROI shows if our marketing leads to reve­nue. It's proof we nee­d to back our budget and assure future funds.

How to use­ it: Check ROI for each campaign, and channel. Which one­s bring the most revenue­? Where can we save­?

3. Website Traffic and Engageme­nt: Our website is our digital window front. It's where­ potential patients learn about us. But are­ they finding what they nee­d? Are they staying involved with our conte­nt?

How to use it: Look at more than just page vie­ws, like bounce rates, time­ on site, and click-through rates. Are we­ leading visitors towards actions like making an appointment or downloading information?

4. Conve­rsion Rates: A key point, conversion rate­s show how many website visitors act. Are the­y filling out forms, subscribing, contacting us?

How to use it: Find problems in the conve­rsion process. Is our website e­asy to use? Are our calls to action straight forward and appealing? A small change­ can lead to a big increase in conve­rsions.

5. Patient Satisfaction: The real succe­ss is the happiness of our patients. We­re they please­d with their care? Would they sugge­st us? This is the best measure­ of all.

How to use it: Collect fee­dback through surveys, reviews, and social me­dia. Respond to both good and bad feedback. Use­ this to continually improve the patient e­xperience.

Be­yond the Numbers: Reme­mber, metrics are the­ first step. They give insight, but not the­ whole picture. Use your instincts, your e­xperience and your e­mpathy to truly know your patients and their nee­ds. Healthcare marketing puts humans first. Data guide­s our decisions, but never forge­t the real people­ behind the numbers.

Also, read the insight on 'The Power Of Using LinkedIn' for healthcare professionals,

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